Do you enjoy the changing of the seasons? I know that I do and this year remains no different! Where I grew up in the United States there is four distinct seasons. And depending on the month, you know about what to expect from the rhythms of life around you
- what flowers will be in bloom,
- what local foods will be ready for harvest, or
- what type of possible weather might be on the horizon for the current month.
Each season displays its beauty differently and I would so enjoy the current season, as well as looking forward to the next one, yet to come. These rhythms have been the same here in the south of France and John and I have delighted in celebrating each new time of year.
Yet, over the years of living here, I have begun to observe a potential mysterious “fifth” season not officially listed and which seems to be a moving target, invading people’s lives when they least expect it. It doesn’t tend to last very long in duration, (however, 2022 defies everything I am about to say as this 5th season has lasted the Entire summer!) … and even though you do not know when it might occur, it gives a powerful distinct punch to all in its way.
It’s official title in French is the “Canicule” or “heatwave.” Just the mention of this word evokes the beginning of many conversations, whether you are a native, long-time expat, or a vacationing tourist. Anyway you say it, the result remains the same– heads nodding in agreement and empathy over the veracity of this temperature swing.
Now, in order to find relief from the sweltering heat, you have four options:
- run to the hills;
- run to the beach;
- run to the mall or workplace where you might find air conditioning OR
- remain at home in a lockdown situation.
(For us, option four remains the most viable option.)
If you so choose Option #4, then the following is the century-old remedy to beating the heat and to keeping your house cool throughout most of the day. If, however, the other options are your preference, then the following will be educational for you when your arrival to France in the dead of summer leaves you feeling as if life completely stopped when you stepped foot on French soil.
In France, all the homes have what is known as “volets” for their window fittings. You will find that they are either the classic painted wooden shutters that open outward or they are made of aluminum and roll-up into a fitted track in the window itself.
We have come to love this system of privacy, because when the volets are closed for the evening you can sleep like a baby until morning with absolutely no light being able to penetrate through!
- (As a side note: Can I say these volets are ingenious on Halloween! If your volets are closed, then the Trick-or-Treaters cannot easily tell if you are home, so your Halloween night can be as quiet or as active as you want it to be!)
The secret to summertime sanity if you remain at home:
The old-time remedy from the summertime heatwave is this:
All the volets in the house are opened during the predawn hours of the morning and then completely shut down by 9-10am.
One drawback to this tried and true remedy is that unfortunately your daytime household light is brief, consisting of just your early morning wakeup hours. However, when the heat of the day has subsided, neighbors will emerge from their homes to enjoy the cool of the evening and the last of the fading sunlight.
So when you arrive to France in August to begin your holiday vacation, and you see that all the windows are shut and that there is little movement of people on the streets, breathe. The entire country has not gone on holiday, no matter what you may have heard. Rest assured, you are not alone. Once the afternoon heat has abated,
- nighttime get togethers will be everywhere;
- people will be laughing and enjoying the local wines under the clear dark skies;
- and the point of discussion at almost every table will be the evasive “Canicule” that is invading the rhythm of the present summer season.
But, no worries… the next season is just around the corner!