Adventure Awaits. Isn’t that the mantra that permeates our world? However, if God moves in your life and He opens up the opportunity for you to begin a new adventure living abroad, … celebrate! It’s true … adventure does await!…
The Mysterious 5th Season
So when you arrive to France in August to begin your holiday vacation, and you see that all the windows are shut and that there is little movement of people on the streets, breathe. The entire country has not gone on holiday, no matter what you may have heard. Rest assured, you are not alone.
Sea Life on the Mediterranean
Abiding. It’s a repeated invitation that God gives. And it’s a daily choice we all have before us. Yet, somehow being able to touch the ground has such an allure, doesn’t it?
A Summer Filled with Celebration!
Summer. As France closes out her summer holidays, I thought a quick look through our summer photo album might give you a visual snapshot of the sights and sounds of the Occitanie region of France. Even though summers here are…
I Can Almost Smell the Green!
If you were to live in an ideal world, what elements would you choose to place in it? Perhaps you find this is a silly question, but at times it does show those items in life that you miss. For…
The Unsettling Joys of International Ministries
But the fact remains that an international church has at times, the unsettling position and yet extreme joy of stripping back all the traditions of man and seeking to be faithful in proclaiming the pure Gospel, revealing the only thread…
“Les Joutes” A Southern French Spin on the Medieval Joust
Two teams, two boats, two men, dressed in white, ultimately battling for victory and prestige, but in the end only one winner remains dry at the completion of the battle. The victor raises his shield high in triumph, while the other goes home literally soaked in defeat!