In fact, that’s the whole point of the entire Christmas story – our desperate need & our Savior’s lavish love. Tradition… tradition! (cue the “Fiddler on the Roof” music) No matter where you live or what family you come…
May We Walk Well
Confession: I am not a runner. It’s funny, but the older I get the more and more I am OK with this fact. Favorite French Pastime At times, it can seem that the entire population is out enjoying this activity…
Uplifted & Open Hands – The Sacredness of International Church Ministry
There are days in life when you just have to stop and watch what the Lord is doing in the lives of the people around you. A few years back I experienced just such a day. It was a day…
Foundation Stones
Having lived for nearly 20 years in Europe, we have had the privilege of seeing so many stone structures that have remained in tact for hundreds of the years. Our Search for Foundation Stones When in seminary, we had the…
The World of the Expat Dog
I invite you to take a little journey with me into the world of the Expat Dog Life! To entice you further, the international pet truly brings to light various underlying gems of intercultural living that our human masters might…
The Church – A Kaleidoscope of Cohesive Beauty
Psalms 51:6 “Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being…” Hiding Well We all have mechanisms or customs in our cultures to help us hide our true selves. No matter what country you might live in, this is a…
The Adventures of the Expat Life
Adventure is not ultimately found in the joy of experiencing a new culture. The adventure lies instead on the profound discovery of a faithful God, who makes all of a dependent life an adventure! Expat. What thoughts or emotions come…