What would it look like if we, as the Bride of Christ from all over the world, became a people who were not afraid to place our noses right up to windowpanes in anticipation of the soon arrival of our Lord and King?
Tending the Soil … Planting Lavender
God calls us to faithfully persist in hoeing the solid ground of our hearts and replenishing it with the needed nutrients and rich dirt that God so generously supplies. Therapeutic Gardening Do you enjoy gardening or planting of any kind?…
All I have to Give is Praise!
Living through Foggy Days Have you ever been in a situation where, proverbially speaking, you would not be able to see your hand if it were placed in front of your face? You ask, “Do I turn to the left…
Walking French Fields
Walking French Fields I love to take you with me as I walk through life here in the south of France! To be able to explain the many cultural differences and life experiences that we have had since moving here…
Spring is Arriving!
… it gives me another opportunity to thank the Lord for His beauty in creation, As well as, to praise Him for His faithfulness to me as I pass from one season to another. Spring is Arriving Spring is arriving…
Spring in Provence
Spring is coming! I know that it might not look like it today where you live, But as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, one day soon spring will have arrived! When you think of spring, what do you…
Expanding Childhood Imaginations
Childhood Imaginations February 2nd. Being a New Yorker and growing up on the border of Pennsylvania, I believed that the entire world stopped on this day in order to predict how much longer we would need to keep our shovels…
The Southern French Cowboy
Welcome to southern france. where the cowboys rustle up their cattle riding atop their white camargue horses, while the children look on, waiting for their day in the sun. All Cowboys Are Not the Same No matter where in the…
May We Walk Well
Confession: I am not a runner. It’s funny, but the older I get the more and more I am OK with this fact. Favorite French Pastime At times, it can seem that the entire population is out enjoying this activity…
Uplifted & Open Hands – The Sacredness of International Church Ministry
There are days in life when you just have to stop and watch what the Lord is doing in the lives of the people around you. A few years back I experienced just such a day. It was a day…
Foundation Stones
Having lived for nearly 20 years in Europe, we have had the privilege of seeing so many stone structures that have remained in tact for hundreds of the years. Our Search for Foundation Stones When in seminary, we had the…
The World of the Expat Dog
I invite you to take a little journey with me into the world of the Expat Dog Life! To entice you further, the international pet truly brings to light various underlying gems of intercultural living that our human masters might…
The Church – A Kaleidoscope of Cohesive Beauty
Psalms 51:6 “Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being…” Hiding Well We all have mechanisms or customs in our cultures to help us hide our true selves. No matter what country you might live in, this is a…
The Adventures of the Expat Life
Adventure is not ultimately found in the joy of experiencing a new culture. The adventure lies instead on the profound discovery of a faithful God, who makes all of a dependent life an adventure! Expat. What thoughts or emotions come…
A Christian Survivor’s Guide to Successful Expat Living
Adventure Awaits. Isn’t that the mantra that permeates our world? However, if God moves in your life and He opens up the opportunity for you to begin a new adventure living abroad, … celebrate! It’s true … adventure does await!…
The Unsettling Joys of International Ministries
But the fact remains that an international church has at times, the unsettling position and yet extreme joy of stripping back all the traditions of man and seeking to be faithful in proclaiming the pure Gospel, revealing the only thread…
Wonder and Worship
La Crèche de Noël La Crèche de Noël. Every Christmas market in France has one. And whether they are put in a place of prominence or tucked away from the main traffic of the event, la Crèche de Noël remains…
The Invitation
One bright, starry night on the tiny hilltop village of Bethlehem, God incarnate came to earth in the form of a helpless baby. Yet, His obscure arrival stands as a reminder to all mankind. The invitation was given to all…
A Thankful Heart
What are You Thankful For? At appropriate times, my husband and I love to introduce portions of our culture’s celebrations to our expat congregation. Thanksgiving festivities are some of our favorites that we try not to miss! This past Sunday…
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